Interactive Sustainability Tips
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Level of Impact: 2, 3
Level of Difficulty: 2, 3
Sustainable Home Choices
When remodeling an existing home, pursue deconstruction (not demolition).
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Deconstruction = the dismantling of a structure that enables material reuse.
Up to 70% of home materials can be recycled (avoiding landfill).
Up to 25% of materials can be reused (with financial value).
Level of Impact: 1
Level of Difficulty: 1
Sustainable Property Choices
Avoid synthetic chemical use in home.
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Supports better indoor air quality.
Safeguards pollution entering land and water sources.
Minimizes ozone depletion.
Level of Impact: 2
Level of Difficulty: 2
Sustainable Waste Choices
Properly dispose of hazmats that are recyclable.
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Hazmats = Hazardous Materials: batteries, HID & fluorescent lightbulbs, plastic #6, blades, computers, personal electronics, window A/C units, TVs.
Level of Impact: 3
Level of Difficulty: 2
Sustainable Transport Choices
Reduce personal airplane travel by one flight per year.
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Domestic flight GHG emissions = 254 grams per passenger.
Level of Impact: 1
Level of Difficulty: 1
Sustainable Material Choices
Use reusable cellulose-based Swedish paper towels.
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Cellulose = an insoluble substance made from plant and vegetable fibers.
This alternative to paper towels is super absorbent and versatile; lasts 10-12 months, is compostable, and saves hundreds of dollars by not buying rolls of paper towels.
Level of Impact: 3
Level of Difficulty: 3
Sustainable Energy Choices
Install geothermal system for home electricity.
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Geothermal energy is energy extracted from the earth.
No GHG emissions emitted. Total energy savings can reach up to 80% annually.
Level of Impact: 2
Level of Difficulty: 3
Sustainable Water Choices
Install water-efficient toilets, showerheads and faucets.
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Look for Water Sense certified products with efficient water flows.
Level of Impact: 1, 2
Level of Difficulty: 1
Sustainable Food Choices
Buy and eat only seasonally-grown food.
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More nutritionally dense, requires little to no chemical 'ripening agents', tastes better, low transportation carbon emissions.